(Provided by IDNR)

You can help animal species such as bald eagles, peregrine falcons, barn owls, box turtles, black bears and more by donating to the Indiana Nongame Wildlife Fund as you do your taxes.

The Indiana Nongame Wildlife Fund supports the DNR Division of Fish & WildlifeĆ­s Wildlife Diversity program. Program staff manages more than 750 nongame and endangered wildlife species. Nongame means the species is not hunted, trapped or fished. No state tax dollars are used.

You can donate all or a portion of your state tax refund to the Indiana Nongame Wildlife Fund. If you file with paper forms, look for the eagle logo on Schedule 5/Schedule IN-Donate. If you file through online tax programs, you will be prompted to donate at the end of filing, and the eagle logo will not be present.

This program is also supported by a match of federal funds through the State Wildlife Grants Program. For each $5 donated, another $9 will be added, equaling $14 for wildlife. Donations fund research, habitat conservation and more.

Past Wildlife Diversity successes have restored bald eagles, river otters and peregrine falcons to the state. In recent years, projects have included implementing techniques to improve natural reproduction of hellbenders (IndianaĆ­s largest salamander).

In 2016, donations through the tax check-off decreased by more than 60 percent. This was most likely due to change that required donations from tax forms to be on a separate page, Schedule IN-5. This year, a code is also required to donate, which also may complicate the procedure for donating. The Indiana Nongame Wildlife Fund code is "200." A video explaining the new process is at youtube.com/watch?v=oQaVXVbuSKk .

A new feature allows people who donate to keep up with projects and programs. Sign up for the nongame email list at EndangeredWildlife.IN.gov to receive the latest updates in your inbox.