Potato Creek State Park near North Liberty, Ind. will host a pair of fishing programs for women in the coming weeks.

A “Women’s Learn to Fish with Lures” class will be held June 15 with a registration deadline of June 12 and a “Women’s Learn to Kayak Fish” will be June 27, with a registration deadline of June 24.

Women age 18 and older will learn fishing techniques and be able to cast lures with spinning tackle. They also will learn about different types of lures and how to fish them. Hours are 9 a.m. to noon and there is no charge.

Kayak fishing students will first learn to fish from shore with spinning tackle first and then get into kayaks and work on those fishing skills. This program is free and runs from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

For more information and registration details, call Barbara Tibbets at 574-656-8186, ext. 225, or email her at btibbets@dnr.in.gov.