(Provided by Michigan DNR)

The Michigan DNR reminds hunters to check their antlerless deer drawing results and availability of remaining licenses at www.michigan.gov/huntdrawings.

Successful applicants may purchase their licenses online at E-license, at any authorized license agent or at a DNR Customer Service Center.

All leftover public- and private-land antlerless deer licenses will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis beginning Thursday, Sept. 11, at 10 a.m. EDT. Licenses will be sold until quotas are met. When purchasing a license online via E-license, note that all available hunts will be listed on one page. Public-land hunts are listed first with hunt numbers that begin with a 1, followed by private-land hunts, which begin with a 2. Hunts will be removed from the list when they are sold out. License purchasers should scroll down until they find the hunt they wish to purchase.

For more information, see the 2014 Antlerless Deer Hunting Digest, which can be found at local license agents or online at www.michigan.gov/dnrdigests.

Also, the printed 2014 Antlerless Deer Digest lists DMU 115 as open during the early and late antlerless firearm deer seasons. This is an error. DMU 115 is open only during the Liberty, Independence, archery, regular firearm and muzzleloader seasons.