• Starboard Choice Marine
  • Moore Boats

Cass County's Office of Emergency Management and the Cass County Drain Commissioner are asking boaters to refrain from causing wakes while enjoying our lakes on Wednesday, August 17th through Tuesday, August 23rd, 2016.

With the recent heavy rains many Cass County Michigan lakes and streams are at extremely high and hazardous levels. High lake levels will make boating more hazardous; boaters and anglers should prepare for these conditions and use extra caution.

  • With extremely high lake levels, wakes will cause shoreline damage, docks and boats to come unattached, dangerous floating obstacles.
  • Use caution when launching because high water can make ramps tricky. Be patient if others take a little longer than normal.
  • When boating near the shore or in coves, go slow to avoid underwater obstacles such as signposts, trees, stumps and other obstructions that are normally on dry ground.
  • Many people who drown consume alcohol before their accident, so skip alcohol if you plan to be in or on the water.