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IDNR Report

Indiana’s migratory bird hunting seasons for 2024-25 have been submitted to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The hunting seasons include those for mourning dove, waterfowl (i.e., ducks, coots, mergansers, and geese), woodcock, snipe, and sora rails.


Species Area Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3
Mourning Dove Statewide   Nov. 1 - Dec. 1 Dec. 21 - 29
Woodcock Statewide      
Snipe Statewide      
Sora Rail Statewide      
Early Teal Statewide      
Ducks, coots, and mergansers North Zone Oct. 19 - Dec. 8 Dec. 28 - Jan. 5  
Central Zone Nov. 2 - 10 Nov. 23 - Jan. 12  
South Zone Nov. 9 - 10 Nov. 30 - Jan. 26  
Canada geese, light geese, and Brant geese North Zone Sept. 1 - 15 Oct. 19 - 27 Nov. 23 - Feb. 9
Central Zone Sept. 1 - 15 Nov. 2 - 10 Nov. 23 - Feb. 9
South Zone Sept. 1 - 15 Nov. 9 - 10 Nov. 23 - Feb. 15
White-fronted Geese North Zone Oct. 19-27 Nov. 23 - Feb. 9  
Central Zone Nov. 2 - 10 Nov. 23 - Feb. 9  
South Zone Nov. 9 - 10 Nov. 23 - Feb. 15  
Youth and Veteran only hunting days North Zone Oct. 12 - 13    
Central Zone Oct. 26 - 27    
South Zone Nov. 2 - 3    

New this year, the white-fronted goose season and bag limit are separate from those for other geese. The white-fronted goose season is closed during September’s Canada goose season but opens at the same time as the other geese seasons later in the year. The daily bag limit is two white-fronted geese.

The Canada goose daily bag limit is five, which may include brant geese in aggregate, in any combination. The daily bag limit for light geese (snow and Ross’s geese) remains 20.

There are no changes in duck bag limits from 2023-24. This includes the scaup daily bag limit, which is one during the first 15 days of the duck season, and two for the rest of the eason.
The possession limit for all migratory birds is three times the daily bag limit, except for light geese, for which there is no possession limit. 

Find more information about the migratory gamebird hunting seasons and regulations at on.IN.gov/gamebird-seasons.