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What's New?

With the wrap of Michigan’s 2024 elk season, hunters saw challenging conditions during Hunt Period 1 and improved outcomes in Hunt Period 2. More than 250 licenses were issued across both periods, and hunters harvested 180 elk in all.

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For years, the pound test markings on a box and spool of fishing line were the first things anglers paid attention to when spooling up a new reel.

The one issue with that practice is that the diameters vary widely from brand to brand, and some newer generations of line are highly specialized and even thinner. Thus, the true test of a line is the actual measured diameters of each size and line type.

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New Gear

Chest packs have been with us for a good long time. They first made a mark in fly fishing, and then onto general wade fishing and eventually hunting. But until now, there hasn’t been a svelte and utilitarian chest back designed specifically for turkey hunting. Thunderchickens beware, because Blocker Outdoors built the mobile toolbox and calls it the Finisher Chest Pack.

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Clear H2O Tackle
D&R Sports Center

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