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By Louie Stout

Indiana Habitat InfoIndiana Habitat Info

The Indiana DNR has made some changes to its website to include real-time tracking of fishing stockings and locations of planted brush on Hoosier reservoirs.

The stocking site lists every fish that has been stocked in modern times. You can search by species, county, lake and year.

“If you catch a fish in a lake and didn’t know if that specie was in that lake, you can look it up and see when the last stocking occurred,” said District Fisheries Biologist Tyler Delauder.

You can find that site at DNR: Fish & Wildlife: Indiana Fish Stocking Dashboard.

We’ve been working on this for some time,” said Delauder. “It gets updated each time a stocking occurs. Much credit goes to Karl Eliason for development and merging and new data to help make this possible.”

Reservoir habitat Map

If you fish reservoirs, the DNR now has a site where you can search and find GPS coordinates of where the state has planted fish attractors.

“We’re trying to do more planting of brush and attractors on our reservoirs that need it,” Delauder said. “We’re learning as we go; we’re also working with fishing clubs to plant attractors. Water fluctuation on these lakes is a huge issue, however.

You can find the reservoir habitat map at https://indnr.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=86f8b47c759348d3a4e69bf7be88e740.

Do a search for the lake name and zoom in and out to find the exact location and see a photo of the attractor before it was flooded.